First Visit Expectations

What Can I Expect on My First Visit?

The first thing one of our providers will do is ask you about the health complaints that you are chiefly concerned about. They will also ask about your family history, dietary habits, career, and other questions designed to help determine the nature of your illness and the best way to go about treating the problem.

A physical examination will be performed in accordance with your providers clinical judgement. Once the therapist or chiropractor has identified the problem, he/she will begin care by way of specific rehabilitation modalities unique to your condition. The specific procedure to be used will be determined and explained completely to you following a careful evaluation of your information and physical findings. All of these elements are important components of your total health profile, and vital to the provider in evaluating your problem.

What Should I Wear to My First Appointment?

Where something loose and comfortable, depending on your level of care, you may be doing some stretching and light exercise. Please make sure the affected body part is easily accessible.